A sustainable christmas meal

Christmas songs on the radio, shopping windows transformed into Christmas looks and you have already put the Christmas tree in your living room. Up next the dinner you have to prepare for your family and friends. How can you serve a meal, which is less harmful for the environment? The amounts of miles that a typical Christmas meal travels before it ends up on your plate can easily add up to 49,000 miles. However a green Christmas meal is possible!! Interested? Take a look at the tips below.


1)   Buy local

Visit a farmers store, or a farmers market and collect your products there. These are more sustainable and probably only traveled for a couple of miles.

2)   Buy seasonal

A lot of products are not available in the winter, at least not from your own country. All of these products are imported from around the world. Imagine what carbon footprint they must have left behind, so not really environmental friendly right? Take a look at seasonal products. I am pretty sure you can make a fantastic meal with those products.

3)   Go organic

If you are against the intensive farming, then especially pay attention to this point. Food that has been produced organically less harmful pesticides have been used and this is of course a lot better for the environment. And a organic turkey did not have to suffer from the intensive farming.

4)   Go veggie

Are you still a bit sad about the turkey? Even though it comes from an organic farm. Then think about a vegetarian Christmas meal. With some good recipes and innovative thinking I bet you can surprise your entire family.

5)   Watch your waste

And last but not least watch your waste. And this does not start with the things you throw away, but already on your shopping list. Do you really need everything? Don’t you think you have way too much? Think critically and you will have to waste less food.

If we all took the above-mentioned points into consideration, even the smallest bits help. We can have another feeling as just fed up with all the food, but at least you have done something good for the environment this Christmas. Isn’t that what Christmas is about amongst other things, to take care of one another?

and as we would say in the Netherlands: EET SMAKELIJK!


One thought on “A sustainable christmas meal

  1. Peter says:

    I keep this in mind the upcoming days.

    Kind regards


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