Tag Archives: Iceland

The Creative Revolution

In unsure times like these when economies are collapsing and nobody really can predict what the world will look like in 20 years time, I believe that there is a need for creative people.  People who can come up with new, innovative solutions for current and future problems and people who are able to express themselves in creative ways and think outside of the box. 

All week it has been in the back of my mind that I wanted to write about the Creative Revolution and the importance of creativity but it never really became clear to me how I wanted to put this. Until I came across a video of Iceland.

Before I visited Iceland last year  someone asked me jokily: ‘’Why the hell would you go to Iceland? It’s cold and isolated and the people there have no money, only ash clouds and snow!’’ I guess I probably replied that there is beautiful scenery and whales and horses and geysers and geothermal spas but I never expected anything from Reykjavik and its city life to be honest. That’s also the reason why the first thing that struck me after my arrival in the capital city was the outstanding street fashion, the design furniture and the underground indie rock music coming from the speakers of what we would call a vintage café.

I personally find it extremely interesting how the people in Iceland have been teaming-up against all odds in order to create the possibility of a future with a groundbreaking new political paradigm. This video answered many of the questions I had in regards to economic instability and its connection to the growth of the creative sector. I think the video shows that Iceland has a tragic story –not without hope and optimism!- but the message is very clear. There is a need for creative people and new, different ways to make money without destroying nature and natural resources. Definitely worth watching this and in my opinion a piece of art of its own!


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